Corgea Visual Studio Extension

Corgea is a Visual Studio extension that helps developers triage false positive SAST (Static Application Security Testing) findings and automatically fix insecure code. It integrates with the Corgea cloud service to provide a seamless experience within Visual Studio.

The Corgea Visual Studio Code plugin is in Beta. For any issues or support, please email


  1. Install the extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.


  1. Open Visual Studio 2022.
  2. Go to Tools > Extensions and Updates.
  3. Search for “Corgea” in the Online section.
  4. Click Download and follow the prompts to install the extension.


  1. After installing the extension, restart Visual Studio.
  2. Go to Tools > Corgea > Login.
  3. Enter your Corgea URL (default: and your API Key to authenticate.


Fetch Vulnerabilities

  1. Open your solution in Visual Studio.
  2. Go to Tools > Corgea > Fetch Vulnerabilities.
  3. The Vulnerability Tool Window will open, displaying a list of vulnerabilities found in your project.

View Vulnerability Details

  1. In the Vulnerability Tool Window, double-click on a vulnerability to open the Vulnerability Details Tool Window.
  2. This window provides detailed information about the vulnerability, including:
    • Classification (e.g., SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting)
    • Urgency level
    • Status (e.g., fix available, false positive)
    • Code diff showing the proposed fix
    • Issue description
    • Explanation of the fix

Apply Fix

If a fix is available for the vulnerability, you can apply it directly from the Vulnerability Details Tool Window:

  1. Review the code diff and the explanation of the fix.
  2. Click the “Apply Fix” button.
  3. The modified code will be applied to your project.

Mark as False Positive

If you determine that a vulnerability is a false positive, you can mark it as such:

  1. In the Vulnerability Details Tool Window, click the “See in Corgea” button.
  2. This will open the vulnerability details in the Corgea web application.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Corgea web app to mark the vulnerability as a false positive and provide reasoning.

Additional Features

  • The extension integrates with Visual Studio’s secure storage to securely store your Corgea account credentials.
  • It automatically detects the active project in your solution and fetches vulnerabilities for that project.
  • The Vulnerability Details Tool Window provides a convenient way to view and navigate to the vulnerable code in your project.