
Corgea CLI is a powerful developer tool that helps you find and fix security vulnerabilities in your code. Using our AI-powered scanner (BLAST) and platform, Corgea identifies complex security issues like business logic flaws, authentication vulnerabilities, and other hard-to-find bugs. The CLI provides commands to scan your codebase, inspect findings, interact with fixes, and much more - all designed with a great developer experience in mind.


  • Multiple Scanner Support: Scan with BLAST (our AI-powered scanner), Semgrep, or Snyk.
  • Issue Management: List, inspect, and manage security findings.
  • Fix Integration: View and apply AI-generated fixes for vulnerabilities right from your terminal.
  • Flexible Output: Support for both human-readable and JSON output formats for easier CI integrations.
  • CI/CD Integration: Fail builds based on severity levels or custom blocking rules.
  • Scan Management: Track scan progress and results across your projects.


Before using the Corgea CLI, ensure you have:

  • Corgea account: An active Corgea account.
  • API Token: A valid API token from your Corgea dashboard.

Installation Guide

Install with PIP

To install the Corgea CLI tool, you can use Python’s package installer, pip. Open your terminal and run the following command:

pip install corgea-cli

This command fetches the Corgea CLI package from PyPI (Python Package Index) and installs it on your system. You can find more details about the package on its PyPI page:

Install Manually

curl -L -o && unzip
chmod +x corgea
sudo mv corgea /usr/local/bin


Login with your cli

To authenticate with your API token, use the following command:

corgea login YOUR_API_TOKEN

Point To A Single-Tenant Instance

Customers using a single-tenant instance need to have the CLI point to their instance.

export CORGEA_URL="https://<<Your Instance>>"


Commands and Options

Upload a Scan Report

Upload a scan report to Corgea via STDIN or a file:

corgea upload path/to/report.json

Scan Your Codebase

To scan your current directory using the default BLAST scanner:

corgea scan

To specify a different scanner, such as Semgrep:

corgea scan semgrep

You can also set the CLI to fail on a specific severity level:

corgea scan --fail-on CR

Or fail based on blocking rules defined in the web app:

corgea scan --fail

Wait for a Scan

To wait for the latest in-progress scan:

corgea wait

Or specify a scan ID to wait for:

corgea wait --scan-id SCAN_ID

List Scans or Issues

To list all scans (paginated by default):

corgea ls

To list issues for a specific scan:

corgea ls --issues --scan-id SCAN_ID

You can also control the pagination:

corgea list --page 1 --page-size 10

Note: The --json option is available for commands like list and inspect to output results in JSON format, which is useful for integrations and automation.

Inspect a Scan or Issue

To inspect a specific scan:

corgea inspect SCAN_ID

To inspect issues with detailed output:

corgea inspect --issue --json --summary SCAN_ID

For fix explanations or diffs:

corgea inspect --issue --fix SCAN_ID
corgea inspect --issue --diff SCAN_ID

Additional Options

For more options and commands, use:

corgea --help

Release Notes

For full release notes, please visit our GitHub releases page.